Are you good with handling the details of paperwork? What about keeping up with current and complicated tax laws? Taxes are complicated. Since I am not the greatest individual to entrust details of paperwork with, the responsibility of filing my taxes gets outsourced to a tax professional.

Years ago, I called my tax guy with a simple question. One week later, I received an invoice in the mail for $80. A half-hour conversation about an item that really wasn’t that important cost me $80. Initially, I was taken aback by this. Later, in a calmer state of mind, I came to realize that tax professionals are paid for their knowledge. I had stepped into a relationship to gain knowledge from this person, and they should be paid accordingly. Now, however, I think long and hard before making any calls to my tax person. I go to great lengths, including Google searches and reading, so I will not be put in a position to be penalized financially from asking a simple question.

This negative experience with my tax professional has deeply influenced my spiritual life. The writer of James shows God in a stark contrast to this negative tax experience. God knows that we lack wisdom. He doesn’t shame us for this and doesn’t find fault with us. He doesn’t charge us! God knows that we are but dust, but we don’t need to hesitate to ask God for wisdom. I realized that God is ready to provide me with wisdom, spiritual wisdom. I don’t need to wait to have all of the answers. With God, I don’t need to try to figure it out on my own for fear of looking like an idiot or fear of being charged. God gives generously to all without finding fault. He gives spiritual wisdom freely. God just wants us to ask with faith, not doubt. God humbly says to us, “Please ask me. When you lack wisdom, just ask. I am not going to charge you and I’m not going to find fault with you.”

I want to encourage you today. Whatever you are up against, simply ask God. Take the time right now and present your requests to God. Present your problems and your lack of wisdom to the Almighty God of the universe. If you are struggling with how to interact with a senior leader, ask God. Maybe you have a challenging volunteer you don’t know how to engage. Ask God. When you are just not sure how you can reach the kids you are expected to reach with the woefully short monetary resources you have been entrusted with in your budget, ask God. If you lack the knowledge of how to engage parents in the spiritual lives of their own children, ask God. He gives generously to all without finding fault.


Remember, at the end of the day, God does not charge you. He does not find fault in you. He gives generously to all. God simply wants you to ask.

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!