Welcome to the download site for the One-Hour Show! You will find this site broken up into three basic parts: (1) Must Do, (2) Should Do and (3) Could Do. Be sure to explore each of these areas in order to effectively plan and promote for our big event! In addition, I will be sending you a series of emails to support you through the process. Finally, one week prior to the show, my assistant will be calling you to confirm any last minute details and answer any questions you may have. I am looking forward to working together!
Recruit Volunteers
Set Up Team
The One-Hour Show requires two individuals to arrive 1 hour prior to the start of the show. These individuals will help unload the trailer and assist with set up of the stage.
Resource Table
Two individuals will assist with set up and working at the resource table before and after the show. More detail found below.
Load Out Team
The One-Hour Show requires two individuals to stay for approximately 45-minutes after the show to tear down the stage and re-load the trailer.
Pre-Show Videos + Preparation
We have several options for opening the show! Review each option and consider the unique aspects of your event. Please download the Tech Requirements for the Sound Team. You may have already received this sheet as an attachment from me in an email. I have placed it here again for convenience.
Option A: The 29-Minute Countdown
The 29-minute Pre-Show Countdown is a way for the audience to be entertained and engaged prior to the actual show! The video starts 29 minutes prior to the desired kick off and can automatically lead into the main show.
Option B: The 2-Minute Cartoon Introduction
The 2- Minute Cartoon Countdown allows for you as the host to make several opening announcements and then simply say, “Now direct your attention to the screen for a short introduction video!” This allows Josh to take the stage.
Option C: The MC Verbal Introduction
Some venues or settings do not allow for a video introduction. In this case, the MC can use the “Verbal Introduction Script” to introduce Josh and start the show.
Resource Table

Printed Sheet Provided at Set-Up
Video Available for Viewing at Set-Up
Please set up two 8’ tables (or three 6’ tables) in the area where guests will be EXITING after the show, typically the church atrium. The Amazing Chemistry Show provides the table coverings. Please recruit two (2) people to set up 1 hour before the show begins for set up and to be present before and after the show.
## Fly Shows Only ##
Some shows allow for Josh to fly into a location for an event. The "Fly Show" items will be shipped to you through Fed Ex. In addition, fly shows require a few special instructions. Please watch the above video to learn how to prepare for the fly show, specifically, how to fill the Liquid Nitrogen Dewar a few days prior to our live event.
Video Promotion
Posters, Fliers and Inserts

Customize these promotional posters to include the exact date, time and location of our upcoming event!
Social Media Posts
We have created blog posts and a suggested social media campaign including photography and copy to use.
Many groups have used this material to successfully gather local media attention and get excellent coverage for their event. If you are using this event as an outreach tool for your church, then you need to leverage social media and your local print, radio and television stations to spread the word!
Click here to see how other groups have used this kit to get media coverage.
Pitch Letters to TV, Radio and Newspaper
2’x3’ Extra Posters

Make your event pop by printing these amazing 2 foot x 3 foot science posters. Strategically place the posters around the venue to maximize the science cool factor!