A STEM-Based Outreach to Public Schools

Helping Churches Build Bridges through Science

How to Use Science in Ministry

Let's Talk Voice-to-Voice

A Public School Outreach Made Simple

All Supplies Provided

KidMin Science Provides 100% of the Science Supplies!
● All HD Videos Provided ● Everything in Order Tubs. ● Chemicals Provided.

Volunteer On-Boarding

A Turn-Key Process for Volunteer Management
● Volunteer Job Descriptions ● Email follow up for Volunteers ● Opportunities for Different Gift-sets

Serve Your Community

Build a Bridge to the Public School Using Science
● Fulfill S.T.E.M. Goals. ● Meet Educational Needs ● Build Relationships

What is The Day of Science?

The Day of Science – A Deeper Look

How Can Science Reach into the Public School

In so many communities, the public school system is completely closed off to the church. You may wonder, “Where would I begin to make an in-road with a local public school? I don’t know how navigate those invisible land mines”

I have over a decade of experience within the public school system as a teacher. I have a degree in Chemistry Education, a Masters in Effective Instruction and I achieved National Board Certification in Young Adult Adolescent Science. I know the lay of the land, the lingo and the insider culture. I understand how the system works. In this educational environment, I am a guide on a foreign mission trip to a unique people group with certain laws and rhythms.


In addition, I served over 10 years as a full-time children’s pastor in the local church. I know about boards, budgets, volunteers and vision. Just like you, I desire for the church to make a difference in the community. I want to reach outside the walls of the church and meet real needs in our communities.


The “Day of Science” is a series of highly engaging science experiences for schools, where hands-on, inquiry-based scientific exploration captures minds of students without leaving the building. Teachers rave about this all-day experience. “It was like the field trip came us! All the materials were provided, volunteers helped run the entire day and we, the teachers, just had fun with our kids.” The Day of Science ends with a one-hour, character-based stage show, filled with fire, explosions and foam and a powerful message of character. This is not just a nationally recognized S.T.E.M. program; it is a holistic plan to bless the teachers with fun, food and friendship in their very own building. The day of science allows teachers to remember the joy of being with kids. No planning, preparing or stressing. Teachers do five cool science experiences with their kids. Each room has an orderly set of supplies and eager volunteers to run each 45-minute rotation. The teachers just get to have fun for once.


Good works to your community lead to good will in your community. And now comes the opportunity to share the good news within your community. In conjunction with the all-day school program, the church hosts an event in the evening where staff, students and their families are invited to your church for The Family Experience, a traveling science center featuring 170 Hands-On Science experiences. The church event closes with a completely different science stage show. This second show shares a winsome and compelling presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ, via the Amazing Chemistry Show.


Schools want to do great things. We can help them do great things. We can meet a need, foster a partnership and build a relationship. Meeting needs just seems to open doors.

Helping Church Leaders Build Bridges into the Community

Children’s Pastors

Easily Reach Kids and Teachers in Public Schools
● Hands-On Science Activities ● Every Learning Style Touched ● Easily Equip Volunteers

Outreach Pastors

A Plug-and-Play Outreach that Won’t Kill You or Your Team
● All Supplies Provided ● Complete Job Descriptions ● Day of Science Dashboard

Senior Pastor

Reach Outside the Church + Engage Your Church to Serve
● Build Community Bridges ● Meet Needs Outside Your Walls ● Inspire Hearts for Outreach

A Success Story in the Public School

What is the Path to Working Together

#1 – Set Up a Call

Learn More About the Process and Explore Possibilities.
● 30 Minute Video Call ● Hear the Vision ● Discuss Dates

#2 – Meet a Real Need

Provide STEM Enrichment, Help the School and Win Big.
● Bless the School Principal ● Feed the Teachers ● Provide A Valuable Experience

#3 – Build a Bridge

Earn the Right to be Heard Through Meeting Real Needs
● Establish Deeper Trust ● Build Lasting Bridges ● Carve In-Roads with Schools

Start the Virtual Tour!

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!