Fruitful Investment
Investing in your children at a young age is a fruitful venture. Being super intentional to participate in your children’s spiritual life is a worthy place to give of your time, your energies, your prayers, and your heart. Ministering to your own children, especially when they are young is a fantastic and timely investment toward making an eternal impact.
Studies show that a child’s basic moral foundation is set by age 5. In addition, studies show that the big picture concepts of God, like His character, His nature and foundational understandings of Christian doctrine are basically solidified by age 13.
That is profound. It is profound to me to consider that as a parent, I play a humongous part in the development of my children’s moral structure. It is no small thing to consider that some of the most important and foundational doctrines of the Christian faith will be taught or missed by me as a parent. The foundation of faith that our children will build their own spiritual house on will be primarily established in our homes.
This is a big deal. I think we should joyfully celebrate the importance of the work of spiritual parenting. Simultaneously, however, this should also give us great pause about this responsibility of parenting. As parents, we are, quite possibly, the single most important piece to the puzzle. The foundational groundwork will be laid, in large part, by you, their parents.
Let’s imagine that you are hired by a general contractor. Your job is to ensure a particular portion of the electrical system is set up and established correctly. In the early stages of this home being built, you meticulously follow a set of plans and place important wires in walls which will soon be covered by drywall, paint and trim. Your work is foundational. Your work is done somewhat behind the scenes. Yet, your work will forever influence the functionality of that beautiful home.
In the same way, as a parent, you are helping set up the proper wiring for your children’s heart and head and soul and spirit. Your involvement as an engaged parent, early on in the life of your child, is playing a role as a master electrician. A spiritual electrician, so to speak. This is no small job.
What you are doing is making a difference for the Kingdom. By faithfully teaching the concepts of the kingdom of God in a memorable way to your kids, you are quietly wiring the spiritual infrastructure for a lifetime to come. Thank you for taking this so seriously.
- Recall: Who plays a significant role in a child’s faith foundation?
- Reflect: Have you been taking your role of spiritual parenting seriously?
- Respond: What can you do to lay the foundational ground work in your children’s lives?
- Rethink: What are you doing right now to be spiritually engaged in your children’s lives?