Inspirational Parent Emails Made Simple
#1 - Video content automatically to families from your email address.
#2 - Your personal messages merged into every email.
#3 - Simple, consistent encouragement to families.
Our Videos + Your Message
Example Parent Recharge Videos
Our Guarantee to You
Video Inspiration
Message Personalization
Email Automation
Simple Licensing

Obtain Licenses
Select from 4 different license packages of 10, 25, 50 or 100 licenses. Our license packages are soft on your budget and yet deliver powerful, automated content, all from your email address.

Register Families
Once registered, families will receive personalized communication from your email address on the 5th and 20th of each month, for one year.
If you have used “Faith Lab @ Home”, registering your previously enrolled families happens with the click of a button!

Our Videos + Your Message
We merge your written content into bi-monthly emails. All communication comes from your email address, not mine. Every email contains 3 things:
#1 - Personalized Message from YOU
#2 - Written Overview of the Video
#3 - Button to Access the “Parent Recharge” Video
Click each “+” below to view several examples.
Example #1 - “Passing the Potatoes”
Passing the Potatoes
Your Personalized Email Content.
Your personalized content will be MERGED into this outgoing email. |
Example #2 - “Do Not Grow Weary”
Do Not Grow Weary
Your Personalized Email Content.
Your personalized content will be MERGED into this outgoing email. |
Example #3 - "You Can't Give What You Don't Possess"
You Can’t Give What You Don’t Possess
Your Personalized Email Content.
Hey (Contact First Name),
Your personalized content will be MERGED into this outgoing email. |
Overview: The concept of vaccinations/immunizations is giving a small, weakened dose of a disease, creating immunity. When it comes to your children, you do not want them becoming immune to the faith. You want to give them the full dose of Christ. We should not pass on a dead, half defeated, weakened version of Christianity. An unmistakable, honest faith will become contagious to your children. But, you can’t give or transmit what you don’t have. It has to start with you. Much more is caught than taught. Have a faith that is worthy of being caught.
Parent Recharge is Simple for Ministry Leaders
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How frequent are emails sent to families?
Your subscription provides 12 months of inspirational emails. Emails are sent on the 5th and 20th of every month. We will send 25 total emails to your families.
Do emails come from my email address or your email address?
Families will feel as if you have sent the email.
All emails will come from your email address. Emails will be delivered through my email system and provider. However, we replace the email sent fields to be coming from you and not me!
You get the power of an automated email provider, without the set up, monthly fees and tech hassle.
What if I forget to personalize an email?
We got ya covered! If you forget to personalize an email, the email will still appear thoughtful and intelligent. The email will open with “Hey (Parents First Name,). If your personalized message was not created, the Video Overview that we have created will be enough for families to understand and for you to still you look intelligent!
If we buy now, can we wait to launch our families until after the new year?
YES! You purchase "Parent Recharge" now and delay your launch date according to your individual ministry plan!
#1 - Purchase: You become a member on Friday, November 13, 2020. You are now have Admin Access to "Parent Recharge".
#2 - Write Messages: You thoughtfully create EVERY personalized message for all 25 emails in November/December of 2021.
#3 - Launch: You enter the first/last name and email of your families on January 3, 2021 and click "Register Family".
#4 - Automation BEGINS: Each registered family will receive their first automated/personalized email on January 5, 2021 with additional emails on the 5th and 20th of every month.
Set it and FORGET it...! The power of automation with the heart of personalization.
Can I work ahead and write all my content for the whole year?
YES! This is what we would encourage you to do! You can fill in your personalized content in one setting.
Here is a plan of action:
#1 - Open Your "Parent Recharge" Admin Page
#2 - Preview Video #1 + write Email Merge Field #1
#3 - Repeat this process for Videos #2-25
Think ahead!
Example A: If you resume mid-week programming on Jan 13, write your personalized message for the Jan 5 email to remind families!
Example B: If your "Move Up Sunday" is Sunday, May 30, write your personalized message for May 20 to remind families!
Example C: Most schools will have resumed after Labor Day. Write your personalized message for Sept 20 to mention, "School is now in full swing..."
Once I enter my content, can go back int and I edit it?
YES! Emails will be sent at 8am CST on the 5th and 20th of each month. You can edit the content of your personal message at any time before the email delivery time.
What if I enter one family Nov 15 and another family Jan 12?
Great Question. You can enter families at any time and everyone will receive the same monthly content.
If Family #1 is entered November 15, 2020, their first email will be sent November 20, 2020. They will receive their final email the following year on November 5, 2021.
When Family #2 is entered January 13, 2021, their first email will be send January 20, 2021. They will receive their final email the following year on January 5, 2022.
Every monthly email will be the same email for all families and will be sent on the 5th and 20th of every month for one year. In other words, every registered family will receive the same June 5 email, even if their starting dates were different.
If we did the FL@H program, do we need to re-enter names and emails?
Great News!
If you did Faith Lab @ Home – Season 1, you will NOT need to re enter the emails. We provide a simple checklist of those families who participated in the original Faith Lab @ Home. Once selected, you can register all your families with ONE click! If you have new families you wish to include in the Parent Recharge, the process of entering names and email is identical.
If you did not participate in the original Faith Lab @ Home, the process is easy. You simply enter each participating family's first/last name and email and they will be registered!
Can I write a personalized message to families in each email?
What Church Leaders are Saying
Deanna Peacock
Children’s Ministry. Southwest Christian Church
“As a parent and children's pastor I feel inundated with voices vying for attention on how to invest in my kids faith, how to engage in their life and not burn out. Typically I throw my hands up in frustration because it is all just overwhelming. The Parent Recharge videos from Josh are clear, concise and practical. Because of his expertise, research and experience I can trust this content. This will be a must for parents in my church, but also personally as a parent.”