Create Now What You Want in Five Years
Learn how to begin to recruit and develop a volunteer leadership team as if it was the exact full-time staff you dream to have.
Learn time-tested structures, rhythms and personal habits as if you currently had a large paid staff.
Learn how to effectively conduct weekly staff meetings, quarterly off-site meetings and once-a-year mini-retreats as if these faithful few were your full time staff.
Our job as leaders in ministry, as set forth by Scripture, is to equip the saints for the work of service; to build up the body of Christ. My job is to build people. The role of pastor is the role of leader.
Start with the Faithful! Jesus said, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much.” Learn how to look around your ministry and locate the currently faithful, diligent and godly. If these people have been faithful doers, even in small things, the Bible says that they will be faithful if they were given more. Learn how to identify the faithful few in your ministry and invite them to a greater involvement.
Do you want paid staff in five years? Use this invaluable resource to learn to set up a leadership structure in such a way that, if God supplied that staffing opportunity, you would know what to do with it.
I followed the exact strategy laid out in this book and built a thriving staff team where one did not exist before.
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