How to Host a Science Show!

You Will Learn How To:

Our Guarantee to You

Gospel Guaranteed

An Entertaining Show That's NOT Just Entertainment!
● Winsome Message of Salvation in Jesus ● Captivating + Visual Presentation ● Honors the Audience + Shares the Truth ● True outreach event

A Family Friendly Event

An Event Worthy of Inviting Friends and Neighbors
● Ages 3-103 years old ● Bringing Families Together ● A Non-Threatening Event ● Science Draws a Crowd

Perfect Promotion Plan

You Do NOT Need to be a PR Pro with Our Easy Process
● 60 and 90 Day Plans ● Posters + Videos ● Social Media Campaigns ● Plug-n-Play Promotion ● Done For You

Simple Set-Up & Tear Down

A Killer Event Should NOT Kill You and Your Team.
● Just 2 Volunteers Needed ● Load In = 60 min ● Load Out = 45 min ● Detailed and Orderly Process ● No Heavy Lifting

A Killer Event Should NOT Kill You and Your Team

What Church Leaders are Saying

Ryan Frank

KidMin Nation, KidzMatter Magazine, KidMin Academy

"Josh is a genius at teaching Biblical truth in a fun and memorable way. I can’t recommend Josh and this program enough. You will love it!”

"If you are looking for something that kids and families will go nuts over, you need to bring Josh Denhart and his Amazing Chemistry Show to your church or organization. I have watched this show numerous times and literally sit on the edge of my seat every time! Josh is a genius at teaching Biblical truth in a fun and memorable way. I can’t recommend Josh and this program enough. You will love it!"


Singer / Songwriter / Worship Leader

"It’s amazing how God can take his love for science and experience as a teacher mixed with his pastor’s heart to help kids know Jesus.”

"I have had the opportunity to work with Josh at a couple different events. My first hand experience is that he brings something very unique and fresh to his presentation of the gospel. His use of science and experiments to make the truth of the Bible come alive in young hearts in unparalleled. It’s amazing how God can take his love for science and experience as a teacher mixed with his pastor’s heart to help kids know Jesus.”

Larry Fowler

Executive Director of Global Networking, AWANA International

"Josh Denhart's Amazing Chemistry Show is not only very entertaining, but more importantly, his illustrations of Bible truths are rock-solid."

"Josh Denhart's Amazing Chemistry Show is not only very entertaining, but more importantly, his illustrations of Bible truths are rock-solid. He certainly creates chemistry with his audience, and he also leaves them impressed with the spiritual principle being illustrated. I've seen others whose "show" overwhelms the truth; Josh is different; his spiritual applications come through clearly, and demonstrates a well-thought out Biblical foundation and application. He makes truth explode (sometimes, literally) with meaning!"

Brian Dollar

Full-time Children’s Pastor, Creator of High Voltage Kids Ministry

“The Amazing Chemistry Show” is perhaps the best show we have ever hosted at our church! I can’t imagine NOT having Josh back again!”

“The Amazing Chemistry Show” is perhaps the best show we have ever hosted at our church! Every child AND adult had an absolute blast with all of the foam, fire, and fun! Josh was hilarious, and the audience participation took it over the top! My senior pastor turned to me multiple times and declared, “This is a HOME RUN!” From the stage set to the comedy to the powerful Gospel presentation, Josh had everyone dialed in from the start! As someone who hosts a TON of Kids Ministry performers, I was thoroughly impressed with the ease of hosting this show. Josh made is super-easy by sending me emails WAY ahead of the show to help with planning the details. The load-in was super-easy, and the load-out was even easier. I can’t imagine NOT having Josh back again! I think my entire church would DEMAND that I bring him back! I encourage every church to consider an event with “The Amazing Chemistry Show.” It will not disappoint!!”

David Laflin

Nationally Recognized Christian Illusionist/Performer and Full-time Children’s Pastor

“Josh presented the gospel in a crystal clear way.  Our experience with Josh and The Amazing Chemistry show was absolutely fantastic and exceeded our expectations.  We cannot wait to have him back!"

“We had an absolutely incredible time hosting The Amazing Chemistry Show Family Experience.  Josh was very clear and organized with his setup needs, which made this simple for us to host.  Our volunteers knew what to do, and they all had a blast!  We actually gained several new volunteers in our children’s ministry through their experience serving at The Amazing Chemistry Show.  This was a super fun and engaging event that is truly an experience the entire family enjoyed together!  One of my favorite things about this event was seeing the number of Dad’s who were actively participating with their kids during the time of hands-on experiments.  Our families really had a blast!  When it came time for the show, Josh presented a show that was very engaging for the audience.  There were numerous moments in which we could hear the audience audibly ooh and ahh together.  Josh presented the gospel in a crystal clear way.  Our experience with Josh and The Amazing Chemistry show was absolutely fantastic and exceeded our expectations.  We cannot wait to have him back!  I have known Josh for 10 years, and I LOVE the enthusiasm and firm biblical foundation he brings to all he does! The way he blends his knowledge and gift of science with ministry is incredible and captivating!”

Keith Ferrin

Speaker, Biblical Storyteller, and author of “How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible”

“Your entire church will love it!"

Josh has a gift for amazing his audience (young and old) with science, teaching biblical truth, keeping us laughing the whole time, and weaving it all together to point us to the Creator. Book him. Your entire church will love it!

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How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!