As a homeowner, there’s always something to do. Always something to fix, repair, or update. One of those upgrades on our former house was our driveway. It was pathetic it really needed to be replaced.  Three things I know about concrete:  It’s hard, it’s expensive, and it will  inevitably crack in the wrong spot!   We paid $7100 to have our driveway redone.

Kids are Wet Cement

I believe our children are like wet cement.  We can leisurely set up the baby room, leisurely pick out furniture, paint colors, and more. But when the baby has arrived, it’s go time. Why? Kids are like wet cement. Our time to shape and influence kids is limited.  When we are changing diapers, we think it will be FOREVER, yet our opportunity is finite.

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Age 5, Age 13

Studies claim that the child’s basic moral foundation is established by age 5. A child’s basic understanding of God, his attributes, and their belief in the Scriptures are established by age 13.  Think about that.  What our kids are learning right now will be part of their foundation for a lifetime. I am motivated by this fact.  One researcher concluded,

"It’s fair to say that what someone believes at age 13 will likely be what they will believe when they die." -- George Barna


Therefore, there is an urgency to invest in our children spiritually. I want to seize the day while they are pliable, mold-able and receptive. The cement frames that I establish while they are very young will determine, in great part, how the cement will turnout.

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!