Ask God, He Gives Generously
Are you good with handling the details of paperwork? What about keeping up with current and complicated tax laws? Taxes

Walk with the Wise
Walk with the wise and become wise. A companion of fools, however, suffers harm. Have you ever noticed that when

Underutilization of Key Volunteers
Underutilization of key volunteers is as dangerous as overworking and burning out volunteers. In Children’s Ministry, we often think that

Delegation Must Include Details
Delegation must include details. Help others succeed through clear direction. Have you ever handed off a project to a volunteer

The Most Powerful Form of Recruiting
The most powerful form of recruiting is done in person. Nothing replaces a tap on the shoulder. Right before Bill

The Harvest is Plentiful
The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers. Have you