The following is concerning an agreement between The Amazing Chemistry Show and in , (referred to as "Host") for services to be rendered on a booked Fly Show

Show Information:

Church Name:
Town, State: ,
Fly Show = $
Airfare = $450
Shipping = $440
Rental Car = $110
Lodging = $
Total Show Amount = $

Additional Show Notes (if any): 

The Amazing Chemistry Show Will:

  1. Perform a chemistry show stage production
  2. Arrive at least 60 minutes prior to the stated start of the show
  3. Provide/ship chemicals, pull-up banners, stage props, table coverings and EMPTY liquid nitrogen dewar/thermos
  4. Provide a DVD/mp4 of cartoons as intro to show
  5. Provide an iPod and all needed patch cords for music
  6. Provide sales table resources, cash drawer, training for volunteers to run sales table
  7. Provide winning promotional strategies + 60-day event support e-mail campaign + provide access to a membership download site for all digital resources.
  8. Pray for this event.

The Host Will:

    1. Be responsible for stage lighting, sound, audio monitoring during the stage show (see “Tech Requirements”)
    2. Provide the following items:
      1. (2) red carnation
      2. (2) banana
      3. (1) lined trash can at the presentation site.
      4. (5 liters) Arrange to fill the 5-liter liquid nitrogen dewar/thermos (shipped by Josh).
      5. (1) Mylar, star shaped 12- or 18-inch balloon, filled with helium (preferably gold, silver or white)
      6. (1) bottle of “Red Marvel Mystery Oil” (sold at automotive stores)
      7. (4) eight foot tables (or lineal equivalent) – two tables will be for sales table, two tables will be for stage
      8. (1) wine glass – provide one wine glass, the bigger the better!
      9. (1) gallon distilled water (or 3 standard drinking water bottles), room temperature
    3. Provide a computer and a projection unit for playing opening video material
    4. Provide (2) two volunteers to run resource/sales table 30 min before and 45 min after show (if host is unable to allow for a pre/post show resource table, an additional fee of $300 will be provided by host)
    5. Provide (2) two volunteers to assist set-up/tear-down 60 minutes before and 60 min after the show
    1. Provide ½ ($) payment as deposit, and print/sign/return this agreement. (In the event that the host is forced to cancel for any reason (other than an act of God), the deposit will be forfeited in its entirety. These reasons could include, but are not limited to, low anticipated attendance, internal or external scheduling conflict, lack of promotion, miscommunication between host church staff, host church staffing changes, etc.In the event that an agreed upon act of God should occur, the event host will have 9 months from the date of the original event to reschedule without penalty. Beyond this 9-month period, the deposit will be forfeited. An agreed upon act of God could include extreme weather, national health emergency, community shut down, etc.)
  1. Provide the remaining amount ($) upon arrival
  2. Be responsible for all promotion
  3. Pray for this event.

Please make your check out to:
The Amazing Chemistry Show, Inc.

Mail Check To:

Josh Denhart
945 40th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265

Please sign and confirm you have read the contract and agree with the information shown above.

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Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!