Welcome to Faith Lab @ Home - Season 2! We want to help families connect, find joy in spending time together, and support parents as they lead their children in faith.

Our vision: "Cool Science, Made Easy, Reach People."

Click a lesson and follow 5 simple steps. It's that easy - and fun! Let's get started.

High Definition vs Standard Definition

Scripture Music - Get Up! Get Moving! Download the MP3’s in the bonus material.

Science Devotion - Open in Prayer. Watch the video. Discuss the questions.

Sink or Float – Keep track of all points. Stand or Sit. Make this section an ongoing family contest.

Science Projects – Scroll down to see what household items are needed for the session's Science Project

Would You Rather – Have fun voting for which thing they would rather do...or avoid!

Faith Lab @ Home Season 2 Lessons


"2 vs 1" Worship Leading

"2 vs 1" Song Actions

Science Devotion

The Surprise of Heaven

Read and Discuss:

Main Spiritual Point: Someday, Jesus will reveal the BIG SURPRISE of heaven and it’s gonna be good!

Bible Verse: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.”  1st Corinthians 2:9

Question: Have you asked Jesus to forgive you?  If you believe that what Jesus did on the cross will forgive your sins, you will have eternal life.

Sink or Float Contest

How to Play:

Stand if you think it will float! Sit if you think it will sink! Keep track of points!


Science Project

Catapult - Open-Ended Design

Supplies Needed:

  • 3 Cotton Balls
  • 3 Paper Clips
  • 2 Plastic Spoons
  • 1 Dowel Rod or Unsharpened Pencil
  • 1 Dixie Cup
  • 1 Sheet of 8.5x11 Paper
  • 1 Meter of Masking Tape

Would You Rather

Get your kids talking and laughing, and spark some interesting conversations about personalities, preferences, dreams, and fears! Click to play the short video, and hit pause after Josh asks, "Would you rather...." Let every family member share before you "unpause" and hear the next "Would you rather..." selection.


Download Season 2 Music

Science Activity Book

“I Want My Kids to Argue” E-Book

Parent Recharge Videos

It’s the Simple Things

Synopsis: Studies show that 75% of kids will leave the church when they graduate from high school. Of the children who stayed, there were five common factors among them: they ate family dinner most nights together, served together, had a significant spiritual experience in the home, were entrusted with responsibility in the ministry, and had at least one adult in their lives believing the same things that their parents believed. The likelihood of these factors happening in the home is up to the parents.

#1 - Recall - What five factors were present in the 25% of young adults who remained in the church?

#2 – Reflection - How many of the five factors happen consistently in your family?

#3 - Response - Which of these factors will you be intentionally implementing in your family?

#4 Right Now - What are you doing right now to trust God with your children’s lives?

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!