Welcome to Faith Lab @ Home - Season 2! We want to help families connect, find joy in spending time together, and support parents as they lead their children in faith.

Our vision: "Cool Science, Made Easy, Reach People."

Click a lesson and follow 5 simple steps. It's that easy - and fun! Let's get started.

Tips to Get Started

Scripture Music - Get Up! Get Moving! Download the MP3’s in the bonus material.

Science Devotion - Open in Prayer. Watch the video. Discuss the questions.

Sink or Float – Keep track of all points. Stand or Sit. Make this section an ongoing family contest.

Science Projects – Scroll down to see what household items are needed for the session's Science Project

Would You Rather – Have fun voting for which thing they would rather do...or avoid!

Faith Lab @ Home Season 2 Lessons


"Strong & Courageous" Worship

"Strong & Courageous" Song Actions

Science Devotion

The Hidden Message

Read and Discuss:

Main Spiritual Point: Our sin separates us from God.  Jesus died on the cross to make a bridge to God.

Bible Verse: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of God remains on him.”  John 3:36

Question: Have you asked Jesus to forgive you?  If you believe that what Jesus did on the cross will forgive your sins, you will have eternal life.

Sink or Float Contest

How to Play:

Stand if you think it will float! Sit if you think it will sink! Keep track of points!

Mango Juice


Science Project

Catapult Simple Design

Supplies Needed:

  • 8-10 Craft Sticks
  • 1 Dixie Cup
  • 4 Rubber Bands
  • Masking Tape
  • Scissors

Would You Rather

Get your kids talking and laughing, and spark some interesting conversations about personalities, preferences, dreams, and fears! Click to play the short video, and hit pause after Josh asks, "Would you rather...." Let every family member share before you "unpause" and hear the next "Would you rather..." selection.


Download Season 2 Music

Science Activity Book

“I Want My Kids to Argue” E-Book

Parent Recharge Videos

Changing Our Wording

Synopsis: We cannot lead our children to Christ, but rather lead them to a place where they see their own need for a Savior. The rest is up to the Lord.

#1 - Recall - Who bears the burden of Salvation in our children?

#2 – Reflection - Do you need to change your wording or thinking? Have you been trying to lead your child to Christ instead of leading them to see their need for Him?

#3 - Response - How can you change your wording (or thinking), to allow God to bear the burden of Salvation? How can you change the way you lead your child?

#4 Right Now - What are you doing right now to show your children their need for a Savior?

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!