I have seen ministry leaders be less effective because they are chasing too many rabbits at once. In my backyard I have plenty of rabbits. I don’t like them. However, it is often fun when my young children try to chase and catch a rabbit. As you well know, they never catch the rabbit. A rabbit is fast, can turn on a dime and quickly find safety.

However, how much more difficult would it be to try to catch TWO rabbits?  They each could go in a different direction and the race is on. You then are left standing in the middle looking like a fool. He who chases two rabbits catches none.

If you diligently work to catch one rabbit, you might be able to catch up. You might be able to cut the corner and you will have it in your clutches. But two rabbits is an impossibility.

Exclusive Focus

Many ministry leaders have fallen prey to trying to tackle six or seven brand new agendas at once. Every one of those agendas needs attention, effort, and hours in the day.

When we seek to tackle too much at once, we actually fail at it all. I am a firm believer in choosing a rabbit and chasing it down until that crazy thing has been caught.

That means that if I’m going to tackle a ministry initiative, I’m going to focus almost exclusively on that new initiative. I’m not going to have three or four brand new initiatives. Each initiative has enough work of its own. I’m going to focus in on one thing and I’m going to execute and ensure that the rabbit is not only caught but that it's caught, cooked, and cleaned up.

Do One Thing

Our eyes (and minds and hearts) often are far bigger than our abilities. Our dreams often surpass our ability to execute. Whether it is in business, in ministry, or in our personal lives, I think we would do far better by prioritizing what we really want to do and simply do that one thing...and do it well.

It may take three months, six months, or even 18 months but let's imagine you dedicate yourself to one thing. By dedicating yourself to ONE THING, you will truly knock it out of the park.  Rather than having six or seven completely different tasks you’re seeking to accomplish, what could you accomplish if you JUST CHOSE ONE.

Pick one rabbit. He who chases two rabbits catches none. Be wise, pick a rabbit, and chase that thing until you’ve got it in your clutches.

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!