KidMin Training Video

Do Not Talk About That!

Are there topics  that we should avoid in Children's Ministry?  Are there things that fall into the category of " Do NOT Talk About That?" Are there topics that are off limits or are outside the boundary of a volunteer in KidMin?  Yes...a big yes. Topics You Should Avoid: Certain topics are out of bounds [...]

Power of a Teacher

We hold unbelievable power as KidMin leaders. We can build or tear down. How will we respond when challenged? We have to understand the "Power of a Teacher".  I have a newspaper clipping that I have carried from time to time: I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the [...]

Normal Rational People

My Senior Pastor has taught me a valuable lesson. It is  his #1 rule in ministry. It is a rule that is profound, factual and universally true. "Normal, rational people will become non-rational and emotional when it deals with their kids, and that includes me. Tread carefully." - Pastor Quintin Stieff This is fundamental.  Normal rational people [...]

When I Am Weak

Let's face it.  None of us are always 100% on the top of our game...and that is actually good news. 1. Trust the Bible "When I was with you I was in weakness...that your faith should not rest in men but in God."  If anything of value happens in the Kingdom of God, it is [...]

Relational Discipleship

Serving in children's ministry holds great reward for those who serve kids in ministry.  There is a storehouse of treasure for those who serve children in the name of Christ. 1. The Power of Legacy As leaders in Children's Ministry, we must constantly remind ourselves and our volunteers the long range vision of the Kingdom [...]

God's Job & Our Job

God has a job.  We have a job. What is your responsibility?  What is God's responsibility? 1. Who is Responsible for Salvation? Who's job is it to save someone's soul? Does this responsibility fall under the category of the person who shares the message? Absolutely not. May we never forget that it is the kindness [...]

Your Spiritual Life

Our effectiveness in reaching kids is in direct relationship to our own spiritual health. 1. The First Things First It is our of the overflow of our personal walk with God that we will have something to offer kids in ministry.  May we keep our own spiritual health a priority. The fruit we see is [...]

Are You Prepared?

There is a big difference between "trusting God" and "being unprepared". Have you ever found yourself in a setting with children and you were utterly unprepared to teach and to lead? I sure have. It was an experience that I am excited NEVER to experience again! 1. Take a Little Time...Trust me! Have you committed [...]

What is in a Name?

Using someone's name is a powerful discipleship tool. I am convinced that discipleship happens best in the context of relationship. 1. The Power of a Name Have you ever had the experience of someone bursting with joy as they see you coming down the hall and they shout out your first name?  Doesn't that just [...]

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