
Welcome to the Download Site

We are excited to partner with you to bring the Parent Recharge Weekend to your community. This site contains all that you, as the host, need to plan and prepare for our weekend.

Successful Promotion

A large part of a successful event is promotion. We have provided videos, printable fliers of all sizes and event social media posts/pictures.

Prepping for the Event

On the day of the event, attendees need a printable packet. We like to have physical copies of some of the resources we reference throughout the weekend. Finally, we have two e-books you can print or send digital copies to the attendees.

Day of the Event

On the day of the event, there are some tech needs, some suggested ideas for the room set up and an example of the resource table.

Josh and Sarah Denhart

Josh and Sarah Denhart have been married for 24 years and have 4 kids, ages 20, 19, 17 and 14. Josh and Sarah are imperfect people with imperfect kids. Both Josh and Sarah are classically trained educators and have served in ministry together for over 25 years. Sarah loves Chick-Fil-A, coffee and working out at Pure Barre. Josh plays a pretty mean electric guitar and has a traveling science show called "The Amazing Chemistry Show."

Parent Recharge Videos

After our successful Parent Recharge weekend, we encourage you to have a plan for sustained follow up. One way to provide follow up is through a resource we have created called, "Parent Recharge Videos"