What if I took the Bible seriously when it says, "Do not argue or complain about anything." Let’s take this verse at face value. Let’s say that I completely stop verbally complaining and arguing. What then? If I resist verbal complaint, I will probably still be brewing deep inside of my heart. While I might be able to keep myself from arguing or complaining out loud, the issue could still be quite unsettled in my heart. I want to be encouraged when I hear, "Parents, Do Not Be Anxious."

What does a follower of Christ do with that internal tension that exists in your heart and yet has not come out of your mouth?

Remedy for Anxiety

When Paul tells us not to argue or complain, he also gives us a remedy in this very letter.

You see, Paul addresses this exact question later on in the book where he shares, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God; and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


Anxiety Free Parenting

Have you ever experienced a troublesome day as a parent where you just felt like nothing was working right? Frustration mounted. Maybe even a loss of joy and a feeling of anxious dread? Factor in the lawn needs mowed. The laundry never ceases. The kids have not been bathed in way too long. It is a tough challenge to be a mom or a dad. Yet, rather than fret about it, complain about it or argue about it, surrender these requests to God. He hears.

Take Time For Prayer

Do you have tension in your life? Take God at His word. Rather than audibly bellyaching, which is often my first response, I challenge all of us today, take the next step, as suggested by God in his word, and share that anxiety with God through prayer.