Leadership Development Via Parenting

We have an unprecedented opportunity to begin leadership development with our own children. It is simply identifying the basic qualities of leadership that already exist in your children and fanning that gift into a flame. Involve Your Kids; Take the Time. We can involve our kids in our normal and basic duties at home. However,

God is Faithful in Parenting

God is searching the earth for someone that he can strongly support. He’s looking for someone upon whom he can show himself faithful.  How beautiful it would be if I were that person.   The person who literally catches God’s eye as he spans across the entire globe.  I want to be the type of person that

Another Significant Adult

Another Significant Adult

Truth:  75% of strong evangelical kids left the church between ages 18 and 29.  I’m most interested in what took place in the 25% who stayed.   One factor present in someone staying was the  influence of another adult who believe the same thing as mom and dad. Diversifying Influence At some point, kids are not going

It is OK to NOT Know

Kids are full of questions.  Sometime really good questions.  Ever been stumped by a question from you kids?  Have you ever had your son or daughter ask you a spiritual question that not only stumped you, but even remotely confused you? Don't Bluff You are not expected to know every answer under the sun about every

Parents: Be Imitators of God

My kids are like little monkeys.  They mimic what I do.  They want to wear my big person shoes.  They want to wear my baseball hat.  They want to put on shaving cream and pretend, mimic or imitate our actions. "Therefore be imitators of God, as dearly beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave

Parents, Do Not Be Anxious

What if I took the Bible seriously when it says, "Do not argue or complain about anything." Let’s take this verse at face value. Let’s say that I completely stop verbally complaining and arguing. What then? If I resist verbal complaint, I will probably still be brewing deep inside of my heart. While I might

Eternal Reward Through Parenting

Parenting with Eternity in Mind

Jesus Christ said, "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me, to repay each one for what he has done."  Listen, He is coming soon and His reward is with Him. We have been called to spiritually nurture our kids.  There is eternal reward through parenting. Reward Awaits One day Jesus will repay

Part of the Puzzle

My kids need less and less of me as the years go by.  I am not needed to tie shoes any longer.  I am not needed to strap them in the car seat any longer, for which I am grateful.  I am a piece to the puzzle in my kids lives.   Someday we will no longer

The Upside Down Kingdom

The Lord Jesus said, "It is  more blessed to give than to receive. This is not just a saying.  It truly is better to give than to receive. It is Better to Give So, is it better to give than to receive?  Doesn’t this seem like an upside down concept? Doesn’t it seem somehow backwards?  You give

God Has No Consulting Fee

It is tax season.  I have someone do my taxes.  There were several years where I tried to do it on my own.  I somehow plowed my way through the process.  Never again. I now have a tax expert help me with the process. Tax Advice = Costs One day, I had a random question

How to Use Science in Ministry FREE EBook

Using science in ministry is a powerful strategy to have fun, keep it simple and reach people. This e-book provides the why and how of effectively using science in ministry!