Parent Re-Charge Video

Pass the Potatoes

Research shows one of the most important we can do to increase the likelihood that our children will stay connected to Christ once they leave our home is eat dinner as a family.   Passing on the faith may be as simple as "Pass the Potatoes". Connection; Not Location Listen, It is about the connection not [...]


I have a degree in science, and one of the most interesting things is the idea of inoculation or immunization. This is the idea is to give someone a small and weakened dose of a invasive disease, the body becomes infected, recognizes it, creates a defense system against it.  The body becomes immune, never to [...]

4 Step Plan

God has a 4 step plan for families.  He gave it to Moses.  The grand strategy for bringing about spiritual health was through the family. "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk [...]

That is NOT me

So many dad's think their lack of Biblical knowledge disqualifies them from leading their children spiritually.  They may say, "Lead spiritually...? That is NOT me!"  Can you lead your family spiritually if you are NOT a Bible scholar? YES! Learning from a Kid Bible Once I started having kids, I began to read my kids [...]

My Aim

I am a children’s pastor.  That’s my job.  Some may presume that my job as a pastor is to share the message of Jesus Christ with kids.  It is NOT my primary aim. My highest aim as a children’s pastor is the following: I want to make sure parents understand they are Accountable to God, for [...]

Parenting is Investment

Parenting is investment. Being intentional to participate in your children’s spiritual life is a worthy place to give of your time, your energies, your prayers, and your heart.  Ministering to your own children, especially when they are young, is a fantastic investment in the Kingdom of God. Age 5; Age 13 Studies show that a child’s [...]


Let me share with you a very common and appropriate strategy for life.   You see, I can’t do it all. It’s impossible.  I pay someone to do my taxes. I found a CPA and I trust the responsibility of my taxes to them.  If my kids ever come to me and want to play violin, the [...]

Wet Cement

As a homeowner, there’s always something to do. Always something to fix, repair, or update. One of those upgrades on our former house was our driveway. It was pathetic it really needed to be replaced.  Three things I know about concrete:  It’s hard, it’s expensive, and it will  inevitably crack in the wrong spot!   We [...]


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