
Just Drop It

I have a confession. When I am in a conflict with another, I have trouble letting it go.  Though I should just drop it, I often just cannot seem to let things go.  I have trouble dropping the matter.   You may identify and share in this common struggle.  I wrote this post about 7 months [...]

By |January 12th, 2017|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

The Great Exchange

Some time ago, I took up swimming as exercise.  Swimming, like other athletic activities increases one's need for oxygen. Normally, breathing is a very natural and even subconscious event that we do not even think about. But not with swimming.  In swimming, the first thing that I had to learn what was called the "exchange" [...]

By |January 5th, 2017|Categories: Blog List, General, Outreach|0 Comments

Overcoming Spiritual Paralysis

Have you ever had a feeling of spiritual paralysis?  I have felt stuck.  I have felt like something was wrong. It was like I was somehow out of step with the Lord.  I felt a sense of being paralyzed.  Spiritually paralyzed.  Paralysis is non-movement.  Physical paralysis may be caused by a physical malady.  In the [...]

By |December 29th, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

Volunteers and the Golden Goose

What was an animal in the ancient biblical culture?  An animal helped to get the job done, and without it, the laborer would be seriously hindered in his capability to produce.  A fool mistreats his animal out of shortsightedness, not realizing this animal ultimately makes his life easier.  Without this animal, the job simply would [...]

By |December 22nd, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

The Gift of the Sabbath

Galatians 6:6 says, “Do not grow weary in doing good…” Part of not growing weary in doing good is exercising God's provision for rest.  The Sabbath day should not thought of as a "punitive command". The Sabbath is not burdensome. The Gift of Six not Seven God could have demanded seven days of work out [...]

By |December 15th, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

Ministry Toolbox

I think about my life and experiences as a ministry toolbox.  God gives tools through our life experiences and they are found in each of our toolboxes.  Our tool boxes are filled with items He has providentially allowed us to collect for a future use to accomplish His purposes.  I view life as tool gathering. [...]

By |December 8th, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

Dirty Underwear

I had a college roommate, Tom.  We had an agreement to take turns washing dishes.  However we lost track of whose turn it was to wash the dishes.  Neither of us thought it was our turn, and thus the cold war of dirty dishes ensued. The dishes got higher, the leftover bites of ramen noodles [...]

By |December 1st, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments

I Want My Kids To Argue — Part 2

Last week I suggested that it might be to a parent’s — and child’s — benefit to argue. BUT, it must be conducted under certain parameters that allow parents to lead with wisdom and remain in authority. May I Make An Appeal? About 15 years ago, I observed an interaction between a six-year-old child and their [...]

By |November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Blog List, General|0 Comments


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